Our ScaleAgData team is well balanced in terms of expertise, type of entity and geographical distribution. 
It consists of 26 partners, representing universities, research institutes, technology and AgTech providers, software developers, farmers’ advisors, agro-insurance, and policy influencers. Essential partners to achieve the objectives & to engage relevant stakeholders. 

VITO is a leading European independent research and technology centre focusing on cleantech and sustainable development.

VITO Remote Sensing develops state-of-the-art space and airborne EO systems (sensors & platforms, processing & distribution) that enable end-users to use reliable geo-information for Environment, Agriculture, Water & Coast, Infrastructure, Security & Climate.

In this ScaleAgData project, VITO is project coordinator, contributing across all Work Packages. VITO is also leading 'Product and service development' as well as the RI Lab on Yield Monitoring. VITO also serves as a technology provider, bringing data products and innovative solutions to merge sensor data into the data products. 

EV-ILVO (Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture Fisheries and Food) performs multidisciplinary, innovative and independent research aimed at economically, ecologically and socially sustainable agriculture and fisheries in a farm-to-fork approach. EV-ILVO has significant relevant experience in related projects like ENVISION, EJP Soil, IoF2020, AgDataSpaces, SmartAgriHubs, and is also leading the BDVA TF AgriFood, the Agriculture WG of Gaia-X and its IDSA member. It also operates a data-sharing platform called DjustConnect
The digitization and integration of digital technologies into the Agrofood sector, the adoption of optimization concepts like smart agriculture and precision crop and livestock farming, the emission management and optimization of energy use, the development of innovative production systems and prototypes, the use of Remote Sensing and Earth Observation and the application of Big Data and AI are some of the research topics.

EV ILVO leads WP2, which aims to support the Co-design for innovative approaches. In addition, EV ILVO leads project task 6.2 in WP6, focusing on setting up an interactive stakeholder network and task 5.3 in WP5, which performs the impact analysis of the RI Labs with NP. EV ILVO also leads the Soil Health RI Lab.

Deimos is a European technology group founded in 2001 with more than 500 staff, headquartered in Spain with subsidiaries in five countries. We operate in Space, Transports, Aeronautics and Maritime sectors, and also design and implement digital transformation processes. Our mission is to provide high-technology engineering solutions and information systems, products and services of maximum quality, innovation and added-value to our customers. We are the technology branch of Elecnor, one of the Spanish leading companies in engineering, infrastructure development and construction projects and a prominent investor in renewable energy, energy and environmental infrastructure and space.
Excellence, commitment and innovation are key principles inspiring us. Our goal is to fulfil the needs and expectations of our clients. 

Neuropublic (NP) is an innovative ICT SME, specialized in the development of integrated information systems and high-demand applications build in Cloud computing architecture. NP has built and operates its own data center offering cloud services at platform level (PaaS) and software level (Saas). NP products and services are being successfully used for over 10 years, by more than 800.000 end-users in agriculture, local government and healthcare. Its financial state, its efficient infrastructure and resources, as well as its longstanding innovation, proper organization and proven technical know-how and experience, make NP one of the most reliable and quality companies in the area of Informatics in Greece. 

Neuropublic leads WP5 on RI Lab Implementation and Assessment, as well as a RI Lab in Crop Management, which is taking place in Greece, Italy and Poland. NP will also lead the data governance schemes and define the data formats to be used in each of the RI Labs. 

The Institute of Communications and Computer Systems (ICCS) is a non-profit academic research body established in 1989 by the Greek Ministry of Education to carry out R&D activities in the area of telecommunications, systems and techniques, computer systems and their applications in transceivers, radar, electromagnetic sensors, satellite and wireless communications, electromagnetic phenomena modelling, neural networks, systems, software and hardware engineering, telematics and multimedia applications, transport applications, control systems, biomedical engineering and electric power.

Within ICCS, the I-SENSE Research Group is very active in areas dealing with embedded systems and sensor networks, wearables and IoT, innovative middleware/Platform as a Service (PaaS) solutions for many application domains, data fusion between heterogeneous data sources, computer vision, image processing and modelling, data management and standardization, novel uses of crowd-sourcing technology for activating citizen participation to various activities, including but not limited to cultural heritage co-creation and environmental observations.

In the context of ScaleAgData, ICCS is responsible for the design of the project's wider architecture, the development of a system for data management as well as the coordination of the implementation tasks and the integration of the individual operating systems. 
Also, ICCS will contribute to the development of algorithms for the fusion and integration of primary data through the application of machine learning algorithms.

VTT is a visionary research, development and innovation partner for companies and the society. We bring together people, business, science and technology to solve the biggest challenges of our time. This is how we create sustainable growth, jobs and wellbeing and bring exponential hope. 
VTT is one of the leading research organizations in Europe, and we have  nearly 80 years of experience in cutting-edge research and science-based results. Our more than 2.000 professionals work to develop systemic and technological solutions that can bring about fundamental transformation. We promise to always think beyond the obvious.

VTT will be mainly involved in WP2 and WP3, with focus in sensor selection and sensor data acquisition planning. VTT will also develop a hyperspectral imaging instrument based on Fabry-Pérot inferometer. The device has programmable wavelengths, and it may be used in wide variety of agricultural applications. 

The Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) is a research organisation, operating under Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland. Luke promotes competitive business based on the sustainable use of renewable natural resources, wellbeing, and the vitality of the countryside. Data driven agriculture is one of the core areas in the Production Systems Unit, where Luke has an experienced research team and farm infrastructure to develop new solutions in the domains of Smart Farming and agricultural data management.

Luke develops methods that can translate measurement data from various sources into actionable information in smart farming. Work is carried out through the WP4 activities and participation in the other WP's.

Kuva Space is a Finland-based end-to-end new space company with a mission to improve life on Earth. We are building the world's most extensive hyperspectral satellite constellation, and deliver AI-powered near real-time insights to help commercial and public organizations mitigate climate change impact. Kuva Space's continuous and affordable services and applications will focus on food security, carbon and environment, and safety and security.

Kuva Space is involved in WP2 and WP3, focusing on innovative sensor technology and satellite data augmentation and integration. With its hyperspectral satellite constellation being gradually commissioned, Kuva Space will provide data and products using adaptive sensing modes to develop and evaluate project achievements. 

WODR (Wielkopolska's Agricultural Advisory Center in Poznan) is a state organizational unit and subjects to the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development. It's a legal entity that provides consultancy in the Greater Poland Voivodeship.
WODR carries out activities in the field of agriculture, development and rural househoulds, aimed at improving the level of agricultural income, increasing the competitiveness of farms on the market, supporting a sustainable development in rural areas and improving professional skills and qualifications of farmers and other rural residents. 

WODR will facilitate the work of the RILabs considering crop management. Together with Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC), WODR will work on developing an algorithm for improving early detection of pests in the fields. 

Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC) provides access to a world-class e-Infrastructure for the scientific community, a specific research and development environment - digital science - for 'proof of concept' projects, prototyping or large-scale pilot projects. Another branch of our activity is in digital industry, which is focused on the creation of innovations based on Information and Communication Techologies (ICT), i.e. the execution of specific implementations for various fields of science and industry. Equally important is our work in the context of social innovation to spread knowledge and awareness of contemporary technological opportunities among various social groups, as well as actively fighting against digital exclusion.

PSNC will combine data coming from phonological observation stations, weather stations, soil sensors and machinery and implement the respective AI algorithms and data fusion/integration to: estimate the probability of occurrence, identify pests on the fields, enabling early detection of pest infestation in given regions by integrating to a national Pest Signaling System.

Horta is a company borne in 2008, with the mission to increase the value of research by transferring the technological innovation to practical agriculture at national and international level, by developing new cropping strategies, methods and products. The core activity of Hora is the development of Decision Support Systems (DSSs) for sustainable crop production based on new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).

Horta participates in the RILab 'Crop Management' and it will address bread wheat crops in North Italy, combining in situ and remote sensing data to improve crop management and monitor sustainability KPIs of the farms.

IFAPA is a public research institute of the Andalusian regional government focused on agriculture, livestock, fisheries and sustainable development. Its main activities involve research, experimentation, technological development, specialized training, and knowledge transfer in those areas. Its work, including participation in national and international research projects, a portal of training and transfer activities, and a web platform for knowledge transfer (Servifapa), are oriented to meet the demand of the rural and marine sectors in the region.

IFAPA leads the 'Grasslands' RI Lab, which aims to improve monitoring of grasslands by combining ground information on biomass, biopars and carbon fluxes with remote sensing. In particular, we focus on dehesa areas, a Mediterranean semi-arid oak savanna, the most extensive agroforestry system in the Iberian Peninsula.

ATB (Institute for Applied Systems Technology) is an applied research institute, closely collaborating with international partners from all over Europe and worldwide. As an innovative technology centre, ATB provides systems-technology-related services to a wide spectrum of enterprises and organizations, thereby increasing their ability to remain competitive. ATB combines competences for business process improvement as well as realizing advanced IT infrastructures, helping to benefit from technologies like IoT, data spaces, big data and AI-based decision support.

ATB is leading the 'Dairy' RILab, which aims to help farms and a dairy cooperative to learn from the combination of earth observation and milk production data. ATB will support the RILab work with research on data processing platforms and context-sensitive decision support.

OHB Digital Services is an IT and software company with both national and international operations. We are part of the OHB Group, one of the largest and most successful space and technology companies in Europe. We specialize in designing and implementing IT solutions for large corporations, as well as small and medium-sized companies.

OHB Digital Services supports the 'Dairy' RILab by providing and integrating Earth observation data. We investigate the potential of satellite Earth observation, including the new EnMAP (Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program) mission, to correlate with agricultural sensor data across the dairy chain. Our goal is to integrate these data sources into accessible information systems for dairy farmers. The primary objective of the 'Dairy' RILab is to develop products and services that facilitate dairy farming and support agri-environmental monitoring

As Germany's largest dairy cooperative, DMK processes around 6.3 billion kilos of milk every year. That makes DMK one of the most important suppliers to the German retail grocery trade.
DMK stands for quality, diversity and innovation. 
Its product portfolio ranges from cheese and fresh dairy products to baby food, ice cream and ingredients for industrial production which are contained in many of the products we all eat every day, from the cheese on a pizza to the filling in a chocolate bar. 

DMK is working in the Dairy Research and Innovation Lab, which aims to help farmers and a dairy cooperative to learn from the combination of earth observation and milk production data. 

MIGAL is a regional R&D centre of the Israeli Science and Technology Ministry, privately owned by the Galilee Development Company ltd. As a multi-disciplinary applied research institute, MIGAL specializes in precision agriculture, plant science, biotechnology, computational sciences, environmental sciences as well as food, nutrition and health, across 44 research groups. MIGAL operates as an innovative research ecosystem that encourages collaboration across scientific, industrial, agricultural, academic and technological specialties and is cooperating closely with industry leaders, innovative startups, and technology accelerators. 

MIGAL is a member of the 'Water productivity' RILab. Deficit irrigation regimes coupled with soil moisture sensor monitoring are demonstrated on Quinoa crops. 

Institute for Environmental Solutions (IES) is a privately-established research and innovation institution located in Latvia, near Cesis airfield. We are a multi-disciplinary team where scientists meet practitioners. EO / Remote Sensing are our key focus techniques for development of data-based environmental solutions. We are working in close collaboration with potential end-users and practicing rapid prototyping.

IES is leading the 'Water productivity' RILab where data fusion from in situ and remote sensing sensors will be used to support decision making on more effective irrigation use. IES will collaborate with local farmers in Latvia to demonstrate the developed approach on high added value crops like peppermint.

EGM is a SME based in Sophia-Antipolis and Nantes (France), that creates, produces and provides scalable and interoperable solutions to collect and exchange information connecting the physical world to the digital world, in order to allow private and public actors to optimize and improve their services.

EGM supports its clients thanks to its permanent innovation approach and its operational know-how of the data life cycle, from acquisition to data processing, including edge processing, IoT networks, semantics and data science.

EGM will support ScaleAgData edge processing activities building upon its EdgeSpot hardware module, which is versatile IoT board aimed to facilitate the quick deployment of sensors, networks and actuators in almost any environment.
An advanced soil & air multi-parameter sensor will be deployed over the different ScaleAgData use cases.

CNH Industrial is a global capital goods company specializing in equipment and services for Agriculture and Construction.
The Company operates commercially through its brand portfolio which includes Case IH, New Holland Agriculture, STEYR and New Holland Construction Equipment. 
We sustainably advance the noble work of agriculture and construction workers.

Within the project, CNH Industrial will provide yield data in the RI Lab Yield Monitoring.

AVR manufactures a full range of machinery for the cultivation of potatoes as well as other bulbous and tuberous plants. From seed bed preparation, planting and ridging to haulm topping, harvesting and storing.
AVR nv is a Belgian family company with over 175 years of experience. 
AVR's mission is to help its customers store a higher percentage of sellable crops with less resources. Respect, reliability, steadfastness and commitment are key values in achieving that goal.

The Spectra Lab Group belongs to the Laboratory of Remote Sensing, Spectroscopy and GIS of the Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Environment of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki led by Professor George Zalidis. Our expertise lies on the fields of Environmental Computational Science, Explainable Artificial Intelligence, Spectroscopy and Integrated Sensing Systems. 

The main activity of the Spectra Lab is its participation in the RILab 'Soil' which entails the development of regional soil property maps in Greece through the utilization of hyperspectral space-borne imagery, edge computing, and artificial intelligence techniques. 

Eurac Research was founded in 1992 as a private research center. We gradually expanded in terms of the variety of research activities and in the number of collaborators, now over 500 coming from over 35 countries. Through the interaction between different disciplines, we develop concrete and innovative solutions for regional challenges and problems which can then be applied globally. 
At the Institute of Earth Observation, we monitor the environmental dynamics of the Earth's surface in mountainous areas with the goal of understanding and mitigating climate change. At the Center for Sensing Solutions, we develop tailor-made solutions for research and industry, from using sensors for data collection to the analysis and utilization of the collected data in the form of web applications or services. 

Eurac Research contributes to the 'Grassland' RILab by estimating grassland yield losses due to drought in the Alps based on Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite data. The aim is supporting the development of an index-based insurance in collaboration with local agricultural stakeholders. 

AgroInsurance international is a consulting agency operating globally on development and introduction of agricultural insurance products and programs. Our company also specializes on development and implementation of disaster risk management strategies. 
AgroInsurance international is a strong promotor for application of EO technologies and services for mitigating risks in agriculture globally.

Within the project we facilitate the work of RILabs considering the actual needs in EO services that could be applied by international insurance and reinsurance community. AgroInsurance serves as advisor for risk management in agriculture using EO capabilities and services considered within the current project.

Today Ghent University attracts about 50.000 students, with a foreign student population of about 6000. In 2020, the university generated over 420 million euros in research expenditure and employed around 8400 research staff (including doctoral researchers). Ghent University is ranked 71th in the Shangai and 96th in the Times ranking. The university is one of the fastest growing European universities in terms of research capacity and productivity, and its commitment to European research excellence is reflected by the recent extension of the EU Team in its Research Coordination Office, i.e. the department overseeing, guiding and administering research projects.

DHI is an environmental consulting company whose knowledge of water environments is second-to-none. It represents 50 years of dedicated research and real-life experience from more than 140 countries.
EO@DHI (formerly DHI GRAS) is specialized in satellite image and data processing for water resources management, hydrology, water quality, environmental assessment and land cover mapping. Building on 20+ years of experience with advisory enabled by satellite remote sensing, we can leverage the latest capabilities of Earth observations and analytics.

DHI provides satellite-derived soil moisture and actual evatranspiration products to the RILabs and other project partners. By combining ground-based measurements with satellite observations, we aim to further enhance our products and services. 

Farm Europe is a multicultural think thank that aims to stimulate thinking on rural economies. In a European Union with 27 Member States, we are convinced that networking and the confrontation of ideas can generate and offer decision-makers ambitious, innovative, forward looking political alternatives. With our Partners and Members we share the belief that we all have a responsibility in being active players in the European project, designing and promoting forward looking ideas.

Farm Europe will participate in the creation and development of stakeholders networks. It will provide support in disseminating project results across interested and targeted stakeholders.