The RILab Dairy aims
- to integrate EO data related to agricultural parameters, focusing on the production of animal feed crops, with in-situ sensor data collected in the dairy chain, ranging from feed production to the measurement of milk quality.
- to gather meaningful data and develop services for the dairy chain that facilitate agri-environmental monitoring and improve the overall efficiency.
- to reduce the amount of in-situ data required for planning and control purposes by establishing correlations with EO data.
Utilizing these correlations, EO data can serve as a basis for monitoring, planning and control in regions, specially where in-situ data may be lacking.

Technology / Methodology
The different datasets related to dairy shall be analyzed and correlated, focusing on indicators that are relevant for dairy farm performance.
The goal is
- to explore methods using EO data, particularly through regional correlation of milk quality and data obtained from hyperspectral imaging.
- to adopt models that enable forecasting and simulation while facilitating adaptation via optimization criteria.
- to scale these models for extended usage of EO and reduced reliance on in-situ data in different regions.
- to integrate data from dairy farmers, arable/crop activities, feed producers, and dairy sales projections.

Expected outcome
- New digital services that combine EO data with in-situ data collected at the farm site and throughout the dairy chain.
- Modules that enable the collection, aggregation, analysis and provision of data.
- Digital services designed to be integrated with existing platform solutions used by various stakeholders.
- Digital services developed by the RIL to provide contextual delivery of information and knowledge for decision support.

Lab partners:
- ATB Institute for Applied Systems Technology Bremen GmbH - Applied Research
- DMK Deutches Milchkontor GmbH - Germany's largest dairy cooperative
- OHB Digital Services GmbH - Provider of digital services, specially making use of satellite data

Application area
Target crops: Grassland
Target areas: Germany